Quarterly Report Form This report may be shared with any relevant partners, including NAMB, SBCV and BCMD representatives. Name* First Last Email* Church Plant Name*City (where church plant meets)*Reporting Quarter* Q1 (July-Sept) Q2 (Oct-Dec) Q3 (Jan-March) Q4 (April-June) Select the quarter representing the months you are describing. Church Metrics and UpdatesCurrent number of committed members (or core team)*Is your church currently holding in-person services? If so, when did you start meeting again or when do you anticipate gathering again?*Have you baptized anyone in the past 3 months, or do you have anyone who is ready to be baptized?*In general, how would you describe how your church was doing BEFORE the pandemic. i.e. health, growth, etc.*How would you describe how COVID-19 has impacted your church membership and/or involvement? i.e. What percentage of your congregation has moved away or left your church since the pandemic began?*How has your congregational giving been impacted by COVID-19?* Increased Decreased Remained Steady If your church has NOT YET launched officially (no public worship services), what is your anticipated launch date in light of COVID-19?Planter UpdatesHow is your walk with Christ? Have you been faithful in spiritual disciplines?What is at least one area, either personally or in ministry, that you are currently growing in?Estimate the average number of hours you spend each week doing the following:Prayer/Personal Devotions*Personal Evangelism*Discipleship of Believers*Sermon Prep*Leadership Development (staff, volunteers, multiplication)*Ministry Planning*Other*Do you feel you are appropriately nurturing the spiritual health of your wife and children? Are your wife and children receiving an appropriate amount of your attention?*Enter "NA" if not applicableAre your wife and children experiencing any obvious negative effects as a result of your ministry as a church planter?*Enter "NA" if not applicableChecking InCheck any that are true: I have considered closing our church in last 3 months My wife and I have discussed closing our church in the last 3 months My church is in danger of not surviving the effects of the pandemic It would be helpful for either myself or my wife to receive counseling during this time Has the church met all of its financial obligations over the past 3 months?*Please share at least one significant ministry VICTORY and CHALLENGE that you've had during the past 3 months:*Are you currently developing any future church planting leaders or preparing your church for any future church planting endeavors?*Did you receive the fully agreed upon amount of support from NCN over the past 3 months?Is there any way in which NCN can assist you or better support you and your family? Δ